

写一句话容易,体味一句话难.做事做人都一样,刻骨了才能铭心.经历了无数的白天和黑夜,每一次黄昏夕阳似乎都带走了人世所有的美丽与善良,感觉自己此刻也潇洒别离红尘,尾随落日同时瞬灭于天地的黑暗中.  可毕竟我还站在这里遥望,毕竟还属于这个世界. 人常说"处"也是人生最难做的一件事.是的,当我客居异乡时就深深体味到这一点的含义.需要别人真诚扶助时,不仅有嗤之以鼻的讽刺,更有置若罔闻的鄙视,却自己不得不承受,忍住这一切的一切.每一次所谓朋友的拒绝,我便少了一份曾驻心田的希望,对别人的话语中也无缘地带有一丝冰冷的残酷.  渐渐地,拒绝别人的爱已是一种常事,重重叹息的同时也不断给自己找寻不会羁绊自己人生的希望.无奈!  此心本净,无可取舍! Writes a few words to be easy, to appreciate a few words to be difficult. The working personhoods are the same, deeply ingrained could be unforgettably engraved on one's mind. Has experienced the innumerable daytime and the dark night, each dusk setting sun has as if carried off world all beauties and the goodness, felt that oneself at this moment also natural leaves depart from the bustling place, tags along after the setting sun simultaneously to flicker extinguishes in world darkness. But I also stand after all in here looks out, also belongs to this world after all. The human often said that " place " is also a matter which the life is most difficult to do. Yes, when I live in a strange or foreign place the foreign land on appreciates this point deeply the meaning. Needs when others assist sincerely, not only has the snorting at contemptuously satire, has ignoring despising, can actually not but withstand, bears this all. Each so-called friend's rejection, I was short once to be stationed in the heart the hope, also did not have the good fortune to others' words in the region to have an ice-cold brutality. Rejects others' love already is one kind of routine matter gradually, layer on layer sighs at the same time unceasingly will also not pursue the fetters life hope for oneself.Sad! This heart this only, does not have may the choices!
