

月黑.风高.杀人夜......哈哈,没有月亮,没有风,也没有古龙的心境.耸立于这天地苍茫一色的深谙里,彻悟孤身幽居后对人世至情的含义.这里,只有我独立,沉思,静默.你在何处?没有谁永远不幸的,劝慰你,在心中.望天地万事都不能使你惆怅,希世间皆情也不能使你忧伤.无人爱你,我爱.没人疼你,我疼.这个时代的珍惜其实也很简单.The month is black. The wind is high. Murder night...Ha, does not have the moon, does not have the wind, also does not have the GULONG's mind.In towers in this world boundless color depth knows by heart, after the deep understanding one person alone occupies quiet, to the world sincere feeling meaning.Here, only then I am independent, ponder, silent.Where are you ?Who doesn't have to be forever unfortunate, consoles you, in heart. Looks at world all things not to be able to cause you to be disconsolate.Hopes in society all sentiment not to be able to make you to be sad. Nobody loves you, I loves.This time treasures also is very actually simple.


<<血钻>> Blood Diamond<<战争之王>> Lord Of War<<恋恋笔记本>> The Notebook<<七宗罪>> Se7en<<沉默的羔羊>> The Silence of The Lambs<<意大利任务>> The Italian Job<<飞行者>> The Aviator<<追风战士>> Windtalkers<<香草的天空>> Vanilla Sky<<变人>>又名<<机器管家>> Bicentennial Man<<借刀杀人>> Collateral<<阿甘正传>> Forrest Gump<<雨人>> Rain Man<<变脸>> Face Off<<肖申克的救赎>> The Shawshank Redemption<<角斗士>> Gladiator Extended Edition<<辛德勒的名单>> Schindler's List<<惊情四百年>> Bram Stokers Dracula<<绿色奇迹>> The Green Mile<<云中漫步>> A Walk In The Clouds<<回到未来I II III>> Back To The Future I II III<<美丽心灵>> A Beautiful Mind<<大鱼>> Big Fish<<偷天游戏>> The Thomas Crown Affair<<太阳之泪>> Tears Of The Sun<<浪人>> Ronin<<爱国者>> The Patriot<<鸟人>> Birdy<<内部人士>> Inside Man<<我们曾是战士>> We Were Soldiers<<勇敢的心>> Brave heart当然,除了这些还有很多,因为太累了,凌晨4点哦,等头脑更清醒点再介绍多些给朋友们吧!希望你们喜欢!从小就喜欢看电影,电视,当过短时间的影评人(呵呵,当影评人的好处其实就是可以看到很多很多电影),应该还算比较专业一点的推荐吧,呵呵,大家开心就好啦!!!


写一句话容易,体味一句话难.做事做人都一样,刻骨了才能铭心.经历了无数的白天和黑夜,每一次黄昏夕阳似乎都带走了人世所有的美丽与善良,感觉自己此刻也潇洒别离红尘,尾随落日同时瞬灭于天地的黑暗中.  可毕竟我还站在这里遥望,毕竟还属于这个世界. 人常说"处"也是人生最难做的一件事.是的,当我客居异乡时就深深体味到这一点的含义.需要别人真诚扶助时,不仅有嗤之以鼻的讽刺,更有置若罔闻的鄙视,却自己不得不承受,忍住这一切的一切.每一次所谓朋友的拒绝,我便少了一份曾驻心田的希望,对别人的话语中也无缘地带有一丝冰冷的残酷.  渐渐地,拒绝别人的爱已是一种常事,重重叹息的同时也不断给自己找寻不会羁绊自己人生的希望.无奈!  此心本净,无可取舍! Writes a few words to be easy, to appreciate a few words to be difficult. The working personhoods are the same, deeply ingrained could be unforgettably engraved on one's mind. Has experienced the innumerable daytime and the dark night, each dusk setting sun has as if carried off world all beauties and the goodness, felt that oneself at this moment also natural leaves depart from the bustling place, tags along after the setting sun simultaneously to flicker extinguishes in world darkness. But I also stand after all in here looks out, also belongs to this world after all. The human often said that " place " is also a matter which the life is most difficult to do. Yes, when I live in a strange or foreign place the foreign land on appreciates this point deeply the meaning. Needs when others assist sincerely, not only has the snorting at contemptuously satire, has ignoring despising, can actually not but withstand, bears this all. Each so-called friend's rejection, I was short once to be stationed in the heart the hope, also did not have the good fortune to others' words in the region to have an ice-cold brutality. Rejects others' love already is one kind of routine matter gradually, layer on layer sighs at the same time unceasingly will also not pursue the fetters life hope for oneself.Sad! This heart this only, does not have may the choices!


The Fattiest Foods in America

By now, almost everybody knows that trans fats are the food additive that should rarely pass your lips. They add useless calories, build bad cholesterol (known as LDL), and lower your good cholesterol (known as HDL). The American Heart Association says you should only consume 2 grams or less of trans fats in our daily diets. (And we say less. Zero is a good number.)So why on earth is trans fat still in food if it’s so terrible? Because even though trans fats may shorten your life, they actually add to the shelf life of baked goods, and keep the deep-fat fryers stoked batch after batch. Choosing between your personal health and their own financial health, some chain restaurants and food manufacturers go the wrong way. Our mission: to raise the warning flag. Here’s a list of the worst trans fat transgressors. Put them on your do-not-eat list, and we’ll all feel a lot better.TRANS FATTIEST BREAKFAST PASTRYCinnabon Classic Roll5 g trans fat813 calories32 g fatEat these too often and you might have to be rolled out of the store. Not only do they serve a whopping 813 calories, but they’ll also set you back with a few days' worth of trans fats. Eat This Instead:Cinnabon Minibon Delight 300 calories8 g fat (2 g trans fat)This is the healthiest option on their menu, and it still has one day’s worth of trans fats. Offset your indulgence and help protect your ticker with these 10 foods that are great for your heart.10 foods that are great for your heart. --> TRANS FATTIEST BISCUITBob Evans Country Biscuit Breakfast 6 g trans fat659 calories45 grams fatBeware of biscuits. Like deep-fried menu items, they should set off a trans fat alarm in your head. The lowliest lard keeps biscuits soft and tender. Of course, the fact that Bob’s trans fatty biscuit is drowned in gravy and cheese doesn’t help, either.Eat this Instead:Bowl of oatmeal and French Toast a la carte (1 slice)303 calories5 g fat (0 g trans fat)The oatmeal will fill you up, so you won’t overindulge after the slice of toast. For 15 other tips for losing weight fast without sacrificing your favorite foods (or ever dieting again), learn these secret restaurant swaps! TRANS FATTIEST FRENCH FRIESJack in the Box's large Natural Cut Fries 10 g trans fat300 calories33 g fat Although most fast food restaurants have transitioned to trans-fat-free fryers, Jack in the Box hasn’t. Their large servings of natural cut fries and curly fries both pack more than 5 days' worth of dangerous fats. In fact, most of the items on their menu are riddled with more than a day’s serving of trans fats. Eat this instead:Jack in the Box Egg Roll (1)130 calories6 g fat (1 g trans fat)The fruit cup and one egg roll are the only sides that do not have 2 or more grams of trans fats. If the fruit cup isn’t for you, limit yourself to one egg roll.TRANS FATTIEST CHICKEN TENDERSDairy Queen Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket (4 pieces)11 g trans fat870 calories96 g fatThe Queen serves up another example of deep-fried danger. The nearly 100 grams of fat alone should deter you from ordering this basket of trouble. But the 4 strips also deliver more than 3 days' worth of trans fats. DQ stands for disqualified.Eat this instead:Grilled Chicken Sandwich400 calories16 g fat (0 g trans fat) TRANS FATTIEST RESTAURANT ENTREEBob Evans Slow Roasted Chicken Pot Pie13 g trans fat908 calories60 g fatTrans fats happily make their home in crusts — like the one that surrounds this pot pie. Bob Evans is one of the worst trans fat offenders: many of their dishes contain two or three days' worth of trans fat. Down this pot pie and you’ll have consumed nearly a week’s trans fat quota. Eat this instead:Bob-B-Q Chicken 545 calories14 g fat (0 g trans fat) TRANS FATTIEST MILKSHAKEDairy Queen Large Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard6 g trans fat1,320 calories52 grams fatTreating yourself to ice cream now and then isn’t a problem. But if your frozen treat includes three days worth of trans fat, it’s time pick a new ice-cream parlor. (And make sure you avoid other drinkable disasters that might be on this indispensable 20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America list!)Eat this instead:Small Artic Rush Slush240 Calories0 g fat (0 g trans fat)
Or try these 8 frozen desserts that won't wreck your waistline.
TRANS FATTIEST PANCAKESBob Evans Stacked & Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes9 g trans fat1,543 calories77 g fat Don’t be fooled by the bananas and pecans, which can be healthy on their own. But this dish delivers 3 days worth of trans fat, not to mention over half the recommended daily calorie intake.Eat this instead:Stuffed French Toast, No Topping599 calories20 g fat (0 g trans fats)We don’t love the calorie count on this one, so you’re best off splitting this dish or taking half home. But it’s the only Bob Evans pancake or French toast meal that doesn’t slip you trans fats. To discover other things restaurants might be surprising you with, make sure to check out these 16 secrets the restaurant industry doesn’t want you to know! It’ll help you save your waistline when you’re eating out.
And to avoid 22 other popular trans fat transgressors at your favorite fast-food and chain restaurants, check out this must-have list of big-name offenders. Don't leave home without it!
Know other tips, tricks, and tactics? Please share them with the rest of us here.- - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Gillian Anderson has her own Odd Couple

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "X-Files" star Gillian Anderson has evidently drawn inspiration from "The Odd Couple" when it comes to naming her sons.
The 40-year-old actress has given birth to a boy named Felix, People magazine reported on Monday, almost two years after she delivered her first son, Oscar.
"The Odd Couple," a Broadway play written by Neil Simon in 1965, revolved around a neurotic newswriter named Felix and a slovenly sportswriter named Oscar who are forced to live together. A 1968 feature film starred Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in the respective roles.
Anderson gave birth to Felix in London on October 15, People said. The father of both boys is her boyfriend, businessman Mark Griffiths. She also has a 13-year-old daughter, Piper, with the first of her two husbands.
Anderson was in movie theaters this year with two commercial disappointments, "X-Files: I Want to Believe," the second film based on the hit sci-fi TV series, and "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People."


核心提示:美国一家珍稀动物研究所内,一只一岁大的Balavan老虎在水中与人共舞。 2008年9月24日,在美国南卡罗莱纳州桃金娘海滩的大型濒危和珍稀动物研究所,一只一岁大的Balavan老虎在水中与人共舞

Gwyneth Paltrow: I'm helping Madonna over split

LONDON - Gwyneth Paltrow is helping her friend Madonna through breakup of her marriage.
The actress told reporters that she's supporting the pop star following Wednesday's announcement that she's separated from filmmaker-husband Guy Ritchie.
"She's a very good friend. I'm supporting her in all the ways that I can. I'm just there for her. I speak to her a lot," Paltrow said as she attended the premiere of her film "Two Lovers" at London's Film Festival.
Like Madonna, Paltrow — who's married to Coldplay singer Chris Martin — lives partly in London.
Madonna and Ritchie, who were married at a Scottish castle in December 2000, have two children: Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 3, who was adopted in Malawi in 2006. Madonna also has a 12-year-old daughter, Lourdes, from a previous relationship.
Madonna's publicist said Sunday that details of a divorce settlement are yet to be finalized, dismissing reports that the couple had agreed to a custody arrangement for the couple's children.
The couple own homes in London, Los Angeles and New York, and a 1,200-acre retreat in Wiltshire, England.

Brooke & Derek Rule On 'Dancing'; Cody & Julianne Jitterbug To Second

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Brooke Burke and her partner, Derek Hough, once again jumped to the top of the leaderboard on Monday night's competition round of "Dancing With the Stars," but the on-screen couple may not be safe for long.
Despite a foot injury sustained during practice, the model and her partner danced the jitterbug to a near perfect score of 29 out of 30.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Highlights of 'Dancing With The Stars' Season 7
"Whatever dance you do Brooke, you come out and you are consistently on top," judge Len Goodman raved.
"That was an unbelievably stylish rendition of 'American Graffiti,'" judge Bruno Tonioli stated.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: 'Dancing With The Stars' Season 7
"Can I nit-pick?" judge Carrie Ann Inaba teased. "I can't! That was amazing."
But though they were the first couple to net two 10s in one round (from Carrie Ann and Bruno), 18-year-old former "Hannah Montana" star Cody Linley and his partner, Julianne Hough, took on the same dance and also left the judges wide-eyed.
"That was a firebug," Bruno laughed. "I'm telling you, the frenetic energy was incredible."
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Misty May-Treanor
"That was the perfect dance for your personality," Carrie Ann added. "I think you are just now, giving somebody else a run for the money."
The two left with the second highest score of the night, a 28 out of 30 after receiving a 10 from Carrie Ann and 9s from both Len and Bruno.
And it was Olympian Maurice Greene and his partner Cheryl Burke, who took the third spot on the leaderboard, netting a 27 out of 30 for their sexy Salsa.
"I knew it was in you," Carrie Ann screamed as she hugged Maurice following his dance. "That's the way to do it.
Though she didn't make the top three, Cloris Leachman had a personal best scoring 21 out of 30, after she and partner Corky Balas thrilled the judges with their salsa.
"I love you Cloris because you're the first person on the show older than me," Len laughed. "You came out, you were hotter than a chili pepper. Corky, as always you did a great job... Well done!"

991 suspected militants indicted in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – Saudi authorities have indicted 991 suspected militants on charges that they participated in terrorist attacks carried out in the kingdom over the last five years, the interior minister said Tuesday.
The legal proceedings mark a significant step in Saudi Arabia's fight against terror. Authorities had been reluctant to hold trials for terrorism charges that could result in death sentences until they had shown the public that every effort had been made to give the men a chance to repent.
"In the past few years, the kingdom has been the target of an organized terrorist campaign linked to networks of strife and sedition overseas," said Interior Minister Prince Nayef in his statement carried by The Saudi Press Agency.
"This campaign targeted the way of life, economy and principles of Saudi society and sought to create chaos," he added. "It has direct links to a deviant group that adopts the (mind-set) of al-Qaida."
The militants have been responsible for more than 30 attacks in the kingdom since May 2003, Nayef said. Those attacks killed 164 people, including 74 security officials, and wounded 657 security officials and 439 civilians.
Another 160 attacks were foiled.
Nayef's statement did not specify whether all the suspects were in custody or their nationalities.
The government fears a public backlash against its crackdown if it takes overly harsh measures against the militants, and it wants to avoid accusations that it is just trying to please the United States.
There is some sympathy for Saudis who leave the country to perform jihad in occupied Muslim countries. Many of those who have returned from imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay or Iraq have been placed in rehabilitation programs to encourage them to renounce terrorism.
Nayef said the militants' actions have affected the reputation of Islam and charity work, "attaching the label of terrorism to Islam and Muslims."
Nayef said that three tons of explosives have been seized from the militants. Thousands of missiles, automatic weapons, pistols, rifles, as well as cyanide, have also been seized, he said.
Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, has pursued an aggressive campaign against militants since May 2003, when they first began their strikes in the kingdom. Subsequent attacks targeted oil installations, government buildings and other compounds.
There have been no major attacks since February 2006, when suicide bombers tried but failed to attack an oil facility at the Abqaiq oil complex, the world's largest oil processing facility, in eastern Saudi Arabia.
It was not clear from the statement whether the trials would start immediately or be delayed until December after al-Adha feast, as has been written in some newspapers.


中新网10月21日最新报道 综合报道,韩国警方21日说,旅馆纵火行凶案嫌疑人郑姓男子在接受警方审讯时,称已记不清实施犯罪的细节,但是还较配合调查。
新华网10月20日最新报道 中国驻韩国大使馆领事部21日确认,20日发生在首尔一家旅馆的纵火行凶事件已造成3名中国女性公民死亡,另有3名中国妇女受伤。
金扬善(约45岁) 以上均音译。
3名中国女性不治身亡 另外3人伤势严重
央视网10月21日报道 中国驻韩国大使馆领事部20号证实,位于韩国首尔市江南区论岘洞的一家旅馆当天发生一起纵火行凶事件,目前已造成13人死伤,其中包括6名中国人和7名韩国人。6名中国人中,有3人已经不治身亡,另外3人伤势严重。
东方网10月21日报道 昨天上午,在首尔江南区论岘洞一考试院旅馆内,一名声称“厌恶世界”的31岁韩国男子纵火行凶,导致6人死亡,至少7人受伤。中国驻韩国使馆昨天下午证实,至少两名中国女性在此次事故中死亡,两人受伤,不排除中国公民死伤人数进一步上升的可能性。昨天晚些时候,韩国媒体称死亡的中国女性增至3人。
案犯为无差别行凶 被害人多为中国朝鲜族女性
案犯有8次前科 极端厌世并长期承受巨大经济压力
中韩网民反应不一 专家:纵火案不针对中国人


昨日,市民遭遇微软“黑屏” 记者 钟志兵 实习生 李莉
记者昨日发现,互联网上已经出现了应对微软“黑屏”的招数。微软公司也提醒,此次更新并不是强制性的,盗版Windows XP用户有三次选择机会:首先可以选择关闭电脑里面的自动更新程序;其次是选择不下载“正版增值计划”;第三,下载完正版验证程序后,在安装过程中有三次提示是否安装或参与计划,用户可选择不参与。但如果一不小心安装了将很难卸载。


中国网10月21日报道 为打击“东突”恐怖势力,公安部在掌握“东伊运”部分成员恐怖活动情况和确凿犯罪证据的基础上,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》、《中华人民共和国国家安全法》等有关法律,并根据联合国有关反恐决议,经过严格甄别和审核,认定下列8人为恐怖分子:









Pa. man eats 15-pound burger


Long lines form as early voting begins in Florida

MIAMI – Florida kicked off early voting on Monday, with record crowds heading to the polls and voters waiting hours to cast their ballots. Elections officials said the few reported problems were minor.
Final statewide numbers for ballots cast Monday won't be available until Tuesday, but counties large and small, traditionally Democrat and traditionally Republican, were reporting record turnout. The early voting sites will remain open two weeks until the weekend before Election Day.
"Lines are a sign of a healthy democracy, and certainly our democracy is healthy today," said Secretary of State Kurt Browning.
The Sunshine State is again key this election season, with a prize of 27 electoral votes — 10 percent of the 270 needed to clinch the election. The state's disputed election in 2000 gave the presidency to George W. Bush, and he captured the state in 2004. This year, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama are locked in a close race.
Registration numbers released Sunday show a 600,000-voter edge for Democrats over Republicans in Florida: 4.7 million versus 4.1 million, with 2.1 million people identifying with neither party.
The McCain campaign acknowledged it expected more Democrats than Republicans to vote early, but says GOP voters have requested 295,000 absentee ballots statewide compared with 199,000 Democrats.
Underscoring how important the state is, Obama campaigned in Tampa, while former Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton held an event for him in Fort Lauderdale. They planned to appear together at an evening rally in Orlando.
On the Republican side, Meghan McCain, the candidate's daughter, was meeting with voters in central Florida, and her father planned to visit later in the week.
One McCain supporter was Jim Stancarone, an 86-year-old heavy truck equipment salesman, who called the Arizona senator "the lesser of two evils." He had been waiting for 45 minutes at a suburban Fort Lauderdale library and expected to be there two more hours.
Farther north in Palm Beach County, about 150 people waited outside the elections office. Many wore Obama T-shirts and buttons.
Dee Keener, 70, a retired secretary, said she voted for Obama — even though she is a registered Republican.
"Obama's got the inspiration, the intelligence, the will to stay above all the dirty politics. It's just the man. I don't know how to explain it ... I'm shaking just talking about Obama," said Keener, who added she hasn't voted for a Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992. " Turnout was also heavy in the Florida Panhandle, where McCain, a former Navy pilot who spent 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, is expected to do well among the large military contingent. Still, Obama had his supporters there.
Nationwide, about a third of the electorate is expected to vote early this year. That would be up from 22 percent in 2004 and 16 percent in 2000. In Florida, early voting continues until the weekend before Election Day.
Voters in every state can now cast ballots through early voting or absentee voting programs. Results won't be released until Nov. 4, but a look at those who have voted shows the Democrats have been aggressive.
In Georgia, Iowa, North Carolina and Ohio, Democrats — or at least those living in heavily Democratic areas — are requesting and submitting ballots in large numbers. In Florida, Republicans hold an edge, while in Indiana, absentee voting has been split among Republican and Democratic areas.
Associated Press writers Brendan Farrington in Sarasota, Brian Skoloff in West Palm Beach, Melissa Nelson in Pensacola, Ron Word in Jacksonville, Bill Kaczor in Tallahassee, Travis Reed in Pompano Beach and Stephen Ohlemacher in Washington contributed to this report.


China's sovereign-wealth fund faces another embarrassing investment snafu after parking about $5 billion in a U.S. money-market fund that froze redemptions following losses on its holdings.

An official at China Investment Corp. confirmed it had made the investment. As of Sept. 1, CIC owned 11.13% of institutional-class shares in the Reserve Primary Fund through a unit called Stable Investment Corp., according to a regulatory filing by the fund with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. A spokeswoman for CIC declined further comment.
中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp.)的一位管理人员证实,该公司的确进行了这笔投资。根据Reserve Primary基金向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的监管文件,截至9月1日,中投公司通过一家名为Stable Investment Corp.(注:可译为“稳定投资”)的子公司持有了该基金11.13%的机构类股票。中投公司的发言人没有发表更多评论。

The Reserve Primary Fund, the flagship of Reserve Management Corp., became the first money-market fund in 14 years to 'break the buck,' meaning its net asset value fell below $1 per share.
Reserve Management Corp.的旗帜产品Reserve Primary基金成为14年来首次跌破面值的货币市场基金,这意味着该基金的净资产值跌到了每股1美元之下。

China's sovereign-wealth fund has taken a hit on a number of its bets made on the U.S. CIC invested $5.6 billion in Morgan Stanley last December and $3 billion into Blackstone Group LP in June 2007. Both investments have substantially deteriorated in value since then, hurt by the global financial crisis.
中国的主权财富基金在美国的多项投资都出现了亏损。去年12月,中投公司向摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)投资56亿美元,2007年6月向百仕通集团(Blackstone Group LP)投资30亿美元。此后因受全球金融危机影响,这两项投资的价值都大幅缩水。

CIC's investment of an undisclosed amount in Visa Inc.'s initial public offering is one bright spot in an otherwise bleak overseas portfolio. Visa shares were at $54.05 in midmorning trade Monday in New York, up from the $44 offering price.
中投公司还投资了Visa Inc.的新股发行,但金额未对外披露。这是该公司灰暗的海外投资组合中一个难得的亮点。Visa股价周一收盘报58.87美元,高于每股44美元的发行价。

The Reserve Primary Fund Class Institutional ran into trouble this year due to its holdings of $785 million worth of commercial paper and medium-term notes issued by now-bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Reserve Primary基金今年遇到了麻烦,因为该基金持有由已破产的雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)发行的价值7.85亿美元的商业票据和中期票据。

Reserve Management said on Oct. 2 that it plans to distribute $20 billion out of the Reserve Primary Fund on or around Monday, representing 32% of the fund's assets as of Sept. 15. It said it would continue to distribute funds as assets matured but would avoid selling at 'fire-sale prices' because that wouldn't be in the interest of shareholders.
Reserve Management 10月2日称,Reserve Primary基金计划在周一前后分配200亿美元,约为截至9月15日该基金资产的32%。该公司表示,随着资产的到期将会继续分配,但会避免以“跳楼价”出售资产,因为这不符合股东的利益。

It is likely that China's fund will see a piece of that distribution this month. Reserve Management hasn't detailed timing for future payouts.
中投基金可能会在本月获得部分分配。Reserve Management并未透露未来资产分配的具体时间。

A Reserve Management spokeswoman didn't respond to requests for comment.
Reserve Management的发言人未回复记者的置评要求。

Bloomberg News first reported CIC's holding in the Reserve Primary Fund.
彭博资讯(Bloomberg)首先报导了中投公司持有Reserve Primary基金的消息。

巴基斯坦濒临破产 扎尔达里向中国求援

PAKISTAN'S PRESIDENT Asif Ali Zardari began a four-day state visit to China on Tuesday, seeking aid for his near-bankrupt nation from an increasingly powerful ally.
巴基斯坦总统阿西夫•阿里•扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zardari)周二开始对中国进行为期4天的国事访问,为几近破产的巴基斯坦向中国这个日益强大的盟友求援。

'China is the future of the world,' Mr. Zardari, widower of slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, told the Chinese state news agency Xinhua on the eve of his trip. 'A strong China means a strong Pakistan.'
扎尔达里是巴基斯坦已故前总理贝•布托(Benazir Bhutto)的丈夫。他在访华前夕接受中国官方媒体新华社采访时说,中国是世界的未来,一个强大的中国意味着一个强大的巴基斯坦。

Pakistan's economy was already in critical care before the global financial meltdown. Mr. Zardari is reaching out to China, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, among other so-called Friends of Pakistan, to make the case that the world has an interest in helping to stabilize the nuclear-armed nation, which has been shaken by Islamist militancy.

Pakistan is seeking $5 billion to $6 billion from donors. Government officials are urgently trying to shore up dwindling foreign-exchange reserves -- now down to $8.32 billion -- and revive an ailing economy by boosting the confidence of foreign investors. It sees China as a substantial source of this capital.

Mr. Zardari promised to return to China every three months and said the relationship would focus on business.

Shaukat Tarin, economic adviser to Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who was in Washington at the start of the week, said Pakistan had secured $1.4 billion from the World Bank, and was expecting additional financing from the Asian Development Bank.
巴基斯坦总理优素福•拉扎•吉拉尼(Yousuf Raza Gillani)的经济顾问塔林(Shaukat Tarin)周一在华盛顿说,巴基斯坦已经确保能从世界银行(World Bank)获得14亿美元贷款,预计还会从亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)获得更多的融资。

The U.K., meanwhile, doubled its aid to Pakistan and will give the country about $825 million over the next three years, according to the British High Commission in Islamabad.

But it's China, often praised by Pakistani officials as a steadfast friend, that may offer Islamabad its best hope for a major cash infusion. The Asian giant's foreign-exchange reserves are the world's largest, at $1.9 trillion. Chinese officials could be eager to demonstrate their new wealth and diplomatic heft, analysts say.

'China can provide support by putting some deposits in the central bank of Pakistan, that's something they might be able to do quickly,' said Salman Shah, a former Pakistani finance minister. 'They can put a deposit of $1 billion or $2 billion.' By contrast, he said, such a request made to the U.S. 'would probably have to go through Congress or through the Treasury,' he said. 'It is a very long, drawn-out process.'
巴基斯坦前财政部长Salman Shah说,中国可以在巴基斯坦央行存入一些存款,进而提供支持,他们可能很快就能做到;他们可以存入10亿或20亿美元。他说,与此相反,向美国提出这样的请求可能必须获得国会或是财政部的批准,会是个非常漫长的过程。

China's foreign aid has been growing, especially in Africa, typically in the form of concessionary loans for infrastructure projects such as roads, railways and power plants generally handled by Chinese contractors. China is already involved in building a large port in Pakistan. But neither Chinese nor Pakistani officials have offered details of any current aid agreement.

The decades-long friendship between China and Pakistan is grounded in arms sales, energy assistance and an all-weather geopolitical alliance. China has sold conventional weapons and missile technology, and is suspected of helping Pakistan develop nuclear weapons. In 2006, China and Pakistan signed a pledge to increase bilateral trade to $15 billion a year by 2011.

As India and the U.S. have worked to complete a civilian nuclear agreement, China and Pakistan have discussed a similar deal. The negotiations highlight how uneasy ties have become as both China and India jockey for influence in Asia.

A Chinese foreign-ministry spokesman said Tuesday there would be 'in-depth discussions' on cooperation in 'some major areas,' but declined to confirm if a nuclear deal was in the works. The Xinhua news agency, quoting the Pakistani foreign ministry, said China and Pakistan expect to sign 'several agreements' during Mr. Zardari's visit.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's ties with the U.S. remain fraught with tensions. Mr. Zardari has reached out to U.S. leaders, but in doing so has faced criticism at home, particularly because of repeated U.S. missile strikes inside Pakistani territory targeting Islamist militants near the Afghanistan border.


China's sovereign-wealth fund said it expects to recoup $5 billion it invested in a U.S. money-market fund because it requested the money be withdrawn shortly before the fund froze redemptions.

中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp., 简称:中投公司)周三表示,中投公司在Reserve Primary Fund 9月16日停盘时已不是该基金的股东投资者。中投公司在其网站上发布公告称,资金尚未收回,但预计能够全额收回。
China Investment Corp. said Wednesday it was no longer an investor in the Reserve Primary Fund when the fund suspended redemptions Sept. 16. CIC hasn't yet received the money back but expects to receive the full amount, it said in a statement on its Web site.

The fund 'has confirmed in writing that it will return CIC's full capital and interest,' the Chinese investment firm said. It said it was now a creditor rather than shareholder in the fund.

记者暂时无法联系到Reserve Primary Fund就此置评。
Reserve Primary didn't immediately return calls for comment.

中投公司称,已经与美国证券交易委员会(Securities Exchange Commission)进行了交涉,强调了该基金对中投公司全额还款的承诺及中投公司的法律权利。
CIC said it has been in contact with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 'highlighting the Fund's promise of full repayment to CIC and CIC's legal rights.'

根据一份提交给监管机构的文件,截至9月1日,也就是Reserve Primary Fund宣布停盘前大约两周时,中投公司通过一家子公司持有该基金11.1%的机构类股权。
CIC was listed in regulatory filings as holding 11.1% of the Reserve Primary Fund's institutional-class shares through a subsidiary as of Sept. 1, roughly two weeks before it froze redemptions.

Reserve Management Corp.的主力基金Reserve Primary Fund上个月成为14年来首只跌破1美元的货币市场基金,即每股资产净值跌至1美元以下。雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers) 9月15日申请破产保护时,该基金持有这家投行价值7.85亿美元的商业票据和中期债券。次日,在投资者纷纷撤资后,该基金称其每股资产净值跌至0.97美元,并宣布暂停赎回。
The Reserve Primary Fund, the flagship of Reserve Management Corp., last month became the first money-market fund in 14 years to 'break the buck,' meaning its net asset value fell below $1 per share. It held $785 million of Lehman Brothers commercial paper and medium-term notes when the investment bank filed for bankruptcy protection Sept. 15. The next day, after investors rushed to pull their money out of the fund, it said its net asset value had fallen to 97 cents per share and suspended redemptions.

美国救助计划:剪不断 理还乱

Upending the government's relationship with the financial sector, the Bush administration outlined a plan Tuesday to prop up banks by injecting $250 billion into U.S. financial institutions, including nine of the nation's largest banks, and to guarantee new debt issues and deposit accounts used by businesses.

The sweeping steps create a thicket of issues, most pressingly whether the banks will step up lending. The government is making clear it expects banks to lend out the funds it gets from Uncle Sam. Further exercising its clout, Treasury also extracted a promise that the financial firms would help struggling homeowners, continue lending and would sign up for loan guarantees offered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

'What we're doing is making clear to the banks how important it is to deploy the capital,' Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in an interview.
财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)在接受采访时称,我们要做的是向银行表明,运用这些资金是何等重要。

Analysts, investors and some bankers applauded the government rescue. They said it will help rebuild confidence in the industry and will set the stage for a wave of consolidation in which stronger companies take over their weaker rivals.
分析师、投资者和一些银行家对政府的救助计划表示欢迎。他们称, 这有助于重建对金融业的信心,并为新一轮实力雄厚的公司收购弱小对手的整合大潮打下基础。

Officials with such giant banks as Citigroup Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., whose CEOs were briefed on the government's plan on Monday, said they don't expect that the government's new role as a major shareholder will subject them to additional regulatory restrictions. They noted that top banks are already subjected to rigorous government scrutiny, with bank regulators permanently stationed at their headquarters.
花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)等银行巨头的管理人员称,他们预计政府作为主要股东的新角色不会让他们受到额外的监管限制。这些银行的首席执行长周一已经得到了政府计划的通报。他们指出,这些大银行已经受到了政府的严格审查,银行业监管人员长期驻扎在他们的总部。

Bankers and industry experts said that aside from a handful of token restrictions, the capital injections more closely resemble a blank check. 'I don't think their intent is to micromanage,' said Richard J. Herring, co-director of the Financial Institutions Center at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. 'I don't think they have the manpower or the skill to do that. That isn't really an issue.'
银行家和业内专家称,除了一些象征性的限制措施外,资金注入更像是一张空白支票。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院金融机构中心联席主任理查德·贺林(Richard J. Herring)说,我认为他们的用意不在微观管理。我也不认为他们有人力或技能做到这点。这并不算是问题。

Edward J. Wehmer, chief executive of Wintrust Financial Corp., a bank-holding company in Lake Forest, Ill., said the government financing is likely to attract smaller banks that haven't been able to raise new capital at reasonable prices.'The market was becoming very predatory with the private equity guys,' Mr. Wehmer said. 'You basically had to sell your soul.'
美国银行银行控股公司Wintrust Financial Corp.首席执行长爱德华·魏默尔(Edward J. Wehmer)说,政府融资可能会吸引不能以合理价格筹集新资本的较小的银行。他说,市场因私人资本运营公司而已经变得非常残酷,你基本上要出卖自己的灵魂。

The Treasury Department said it intended to remain a passive investor in the financial institutions that get government cash. But its tentacles will change how banks do business, by placing restrictions, for example on dividend payments, executive compensation and the types of private investments that banks can receive.

In somber remarks in the Treasury Department's ornate Cash Room, Mr. Paulson said the government's latest moves were necessary given the deep financial crisis.

While he had been reluctant to take such steps, his actions Tuesday, coupled with the administration's moves over the past six months, have injected the government more deeply into the financial sector than at any time since the 1930s. Mr. Paulson and other regulators said the steps were temporary. But, historically, it's often hard to undo new rules in Washington after businesses, consumers and policy makers adjust to changes.

At the core of Tuesday's announcement is a plan to buy $250 billion worth of preferred stock in banks, a step the government sees as crucial to getting banks to make new loans and to lure private capital from the sidelines.

While the program is voluntary, Treasury essentially forced the nine major U.S. banks to agree to take $125 billion from the federal government. Treasury will buy $25 billion in preferred stock from Bank of America -- including Merrill Lynch -- as well as J.P. Morgan and Citigroup; between $20 billion and $25 billion from Wells Fargo & Co.; $10 billion from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley; $3 billion from Bank of New York Mellon; and about $2 billion from State Street. The remainder will be available to small- and medium-size institutions that apply for an investment.

The money will come from the $700 billion that Congress recently approved for Treasury to buy bad loans and other troubled assets from financial institutions. Treasury still intends to proceed with that program within the next few weeks.

The government's preferred stock will pay a 5% dividend for the first five years and then convert to 9%. Firms will not be able to increase their dividends for three years while the Treasury is an investor and cannot get rid of the investment for three years unless they raise high-quality private capital. Firms must also get Treasury's consent to buy back their own stock.

Treasury also has the right to buy common stock equal to 15% of its total investment in the firm. Treasury can convert these so-called warrants to buy stock, which would give it a bigger stake in the company and dilute existing shareholders. It can also sell the warrants, which could make Treasury money if the stock price goes up.

The decision whether to convert the shares into common stock or sell the warrants will be made by the Treasury secretary. It is expected to be based on the health of the financial institution and what's in the best interest of taxpayers, according to people familiar with the matter.

Banks will also face restrictions on what they can pay senior executives as long as Treasury is an investor. Companies can't structure compensation programs that 'encourage unnecessary and excessive risks' and must prohibit so-called golden parachute payments to senior executives. Firms are also limited to $500,000 in executive compensation tax deductions for each senior executive.

The plan includes a move by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to temporarily offer banks unlimited deposit insurance for non-interest-bearing bank accounts, which are typically used by small businesses. A spate of bank failures and the market turmoil have raised anxiety levels for many account holders who could cause greater concerns for banks if they start to pull accounts from otherwise healthy institutions.

The FDIC also will guarantee, for three years and for a fee, the new senior unsecured debt issued by a wide range of banks, thrifts and financial holding companies through June 30.

The FDIC's guarantees should ease anxiety about institutions' creditworthiness, analysts said. The agency's backing of deposits above the current $250,000 limit in non-interest-bearing checking accounts is intended to stem the tide of business owners yanking their money out of troubled financial institutions.

The Federal Reserve said Tuesday it would open a program on Oct. 27 to fund purchases of commercial paper -- a form of short-term corporate borrowing -- with three-month maturities. The commercial paper market has come under intense pressure in recent weeks, constraining businesses and consumers from receiving credit. The Fed's program, set to run through April 30, is designed to relieve pressure in corporations and allow them to lend more easily.

The extent of government involvement in the banking sector now exceeds the role played by the U.S. during the savings-and-loan crisis in the late 1980s. Some in the banking industry say they are unsure what the new relationship will bring.

'Will the government be looking over my shoulder and second guessing my ending policies and compensation policies ' said American Bankers Association President Edward Yingling. Most banks are well capitalized and do not need new cash infusions, he said.
美国银行家协会(American Bankers Association)主席Edward Yingling说:政府会不会站在背后,对我作出的离职补偿政策和薪酬政策指手画脚呢?他说,大多数银行资本资本状况良好,不需要注入新资金。

Wells Fargo & Co. chairman Richard Kovacevich was among the bankers present during Monday's meeting at the Treasury who expressed reservations, according to a person briefed on the meeting, because his bank wasn't in need of government funding.
据了解会议内容的人士透露,周一在财政部召开的会议上有银行家表达了保留意见,其中之一是富国银行董事长理查德·柯瓦希维奇(Richard Kovacevich),因为该行不需要政府的融资。

The San Francisco-based company released a statement saying: 'In general we believe the Treasury's plan is a positive step toward providing much needed capital for financial institutions that are in the best position to deploy it effectively to stimulate the U.S. economy and strengthen confidence in the U.S. banking system.'

Ron Hermance, president of Paramus, N.J.-based Hudson City Bancorp Inc, said he stayed away from subprime mortgages during the housing boom and stuck to 'dull and boring' lending that now supported the $51 billion bank. He said he worried the U.S. is propping up banks that would fail on their own, or may fail even with a new infusion of public money.
新泽西州帕拉默斯市Hudson City Bancorp Inc.的总裁赫曼斯(Ron Hermance)说,他在房市快速增长期间避开次级抵押贷款,死守无聊透顶的借贷业务,如今这家有着510亿美元资产的银行靠此支撑。他说,他担心美国正在支撑那些无力自保、甚至是有了政府财政的注资仍可能倒闭的银行。

With many banks crippled by billions of dollars in losses on exotic loans and securities, and no longer able to sell their troubled assets, institutions have gone back to basics. They are now concentrating on making loans that are of high enough quality that they can reside on the banks' books for years.

Some experts predicted that having the government as a major shareholder would spur banks to stop engaging in some risky behavior.

Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan, one of the nation's top bank regulators, said the moves were necessary 'because we did a number of very substantial, 'one-off' things, and they weren't having a lasting effect.'
美国财政部金融局(Office of Comptroller of the Currency)局长杜根(John Dugan)说,这些举措是必要的,因为我们采取了许多非常重大、一次性的措施,但都没有带来持久的收效。

A key question is which midsized banks will be able to obtain the government funds. Treasury officials said Tuesday that the program is intended for 'healthy' banks, but they didn't clearly define what that means.

The government's capital infusions could provide some struggling lenders with a bit of breathing room. In recent months, lenders like BankUnited Financial Corp. and Downey Financial Corp. have tried in vain to line up new capital, despite heavy pressure from regulators.
政府的注资可能会为一些陷入困境的放贷机构提供一点喘息的空间。近几个月,BankUnited Financial Corp.和Downey Financial Corp.等放贷机构一直在努力筹措新的资金,尽管监管机构施加了重压,但这些银行都无功而返。

Dozens of regional banks have mountains of bad loans that are likely to keep growing -- and consuming banks' capital -- at least until 2010, according to bankers, analysts and investors. In a report Tuesday, analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. forecast that, in terms of loan losses, '2009 will rank as the weakest year since the Great Depression.' That could limit the government's ability to unlock bank lending.
据银行家、分析师和投资者说,至少到2010年前,数十家地区性银行都会一直被不良贷款缠身,而且数额很可能不断增加,进而消耗银行的资金。Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.的分析师周二在一份报告中预测,就贷款损失而言,2009年将是自大萧条以来最糟糕的一年。这可能会限制政府为银行借贷解冻的能力。

During the Depression, the Reconstruction Finance Corp. bought billions of dollars of preferred stock that came with voting rights. The government then barred banks from paying dividends until they had bought out the government's stakes. This time, the government stakes are nonvoting and the dividend restrictions are less onerous.
大萧条时期,政府设立的Reconstruction Finance Corp.买进了价值数十亿美元有投票权的优先股。政府随后禁止银行在全部回购政府的持股之前派息。这次,政府的持股没有投票权,而且股息限制也没有那么严苛。

'It looks like a pretty good deal for the recipients and probably a pretty tough deal for taxpayers,' said John Kanas, who was CEO of North Fork Bancorp until selling it to Capital One Financial Corp. in 2006. 'It seems quite explicit that there's no strings attached to this money . . . It seems like a gift.'
在2006年North Fork Bancorp被Capital One Financial Corp.收购前担任前者首席执行长的肯纳斯(John Kanas)说,这看起来对受助银行是桩好买卖,但对纳税人来说却是个非常糟的买卖。他说,看起来非常明显这些钱没有限制条件,看起来就象是免费的礼物一样。

Mr. Kanas said banks are likely to use the government capital to retire outstanding debt that pays a higher yield than the 5% on the government's preferred shares. That will reduce funding costs, boosting profits. Such moves will pad bank profits without supporting the overall economy, he said.

Already some politicians, including both presidential nominees, are suggesting the government's investment should merit additional government requirements, such as tougher oversight and more help for distressed borrowers.

'We will not merely inject billions of dollars into companies and walk away hoping for the best. We will require that those companies be reformed and restructured until they are sound assets again, and can be sold at no loss -- or perhaps even a profit -- to the taxpayers of America,' said Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain.
共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)说,我们不会向公司注入数十亿美元的资金,然后就一走了之,希望一切尽如人意;我们会要求那些银行进行改革和重组,直到他们的资产恢复良好状况、能够在对美国的纳税人不造成损失甚至有些盈利的情况下卖掉。

Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama said 'we must make sure this plan is implemented in a way that helps homeowners and does not enrich Wall Street CEOs at the taxpayers' expense.'
民主党总统候选人奥巴马(Barack Obama)则说,我们必须确保这项计划实施的时候能帮助房屋所有者,而不是以牺牲纳税人的利益为代价养肥了华尔街的高管们。


Investors wondering what role China's powerhouse economy might play in restoring health to the world's financial markets need only consider the statement issued at the close of the Communist Party's annual meeting on Sunday:

'Most importantly, China needs to handle its own affairs well,' party leaders said.

China is already a significant underwriter of the U.S. government's efforts to bolster financial markets. A majority of China's $1.8 trillion in foreign exchange reserves are held in U.S. government, agency and corporate debt.

That's not likely to change soon - provided China doesn't have to divert its resources inwards, to support its own financial system, for example - because Beijing has few other places to put the billions in additional reserves it generates each month. Expectations for a stronger dollar make holding U.S. debt all the more compelling.

China isn't suffering from the credit seize-up gripping the rest of the world. Interbank lending there continues, and the domestic bond market remains open for business. Chinese companies have raised $42 billion through yuan-denominated bonds so far this year, more than in the same period last year, according to data from Thomson Reuters.
中国尚未遭受席卷世界许多国家的信贷市场失灵。银行间资金拆借市场仍在正常运行,国内债券市场依然向企业开放。汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)提供的数据显示,今年迄今为止中国企业已通过发行人民币债券筹集了420亿美元资金,超过去年同期的发债额。

But the export-oriented economy is facing headwinds. Growth in exports and industrial production is slowing, and corporate profit growth has slowed sharply - to 16% in the first half of 2008 from nearly 50% in fiscal 2007, according to JP Morgan.
但中国的出口导向型经济也正面临着困难。摩根大通(JP Morgan)称,中国的出口和工业生产增速正在放缓,今年上半年的企业利润增长率已由2007财年的近50%下降至16% 。

Boosting domestic consumption is one way to offset a slowdown in demand elsewhere. So, Beijing has started cutting interest rates and economists expect further stimulus in the months ahead.

When it comes to international markets there are some innovative steps China could take, such as lending the U.S. Treasurys it holds to banks in need of funds - as the Federal Reserve does, says Stephen Green, head of China Research at Standard Chartered. To the benefit of its Southeast Asian neighbors, Beijing is expected to contribute to an $80 billion pool of reserves for the region - along with Japan and South Korea.
说到国际市场,中国还有一些创新性举措可以利用,比如渣打银行(Standard Chartered)中国研究部负责人王志浩(Stephen Green)就建议说,中国可以将手中的美国国债借贷给需要资金的银行,就像美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)所做的那样。作为一项造福东南亚邻国的举措,中国政府预计会与日本和韩国一道为亚洲出资成立一个规模达800亿美元的储备基金。

Less likely are increased equity holdings in ailing Western financial firms by China's sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corp., or state-run banks. CIC was in talks to boost its stake in Morgan Stanley last month, but struck no deal. The dismal performance of existing investments has discouraged some Chinese buyers, and cautious Chinese regulators have discouraged others.
而中国主权财富基金中投公司(China Investment Corp.)和中国几大国有银行增加对西方金融企业持股的可能性则比较低。中投公司上个月曾商谈增加其在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的持股,但最终却未达成协议。中资机构已有的这类投资迄今表现不佳,难免使中国投资者望而却步,而谨慎的中国监管机构也不鼓励再进行此类投资。

So investors around the world may find that they are best served if Beijing sticks to a familiar adage: Charity begins at home.


Beijing Goes (Reluctantly) Off-Road

Beijing's private car restrictions are set to go into effect Monday, in an effort to bring back the days of clean air and more peaceful street's the bustling city enjoyed during the Olympics. Naturally, many of the city's road warriors aren't happy about it.

Under this new restriction, which covers the heavily metropolitan area surrounded by Beijing's Fifth Ring road, private cars with licensed plate numbers ending with a 1 or 6 can't be on the road on Mondays. Those with 2 or 7 as the last digit are banned on Tuesday, 3 or 8 on Wednesday, 4 or 9 one Thursday and 5 or 0 on Friday. On weekends, all cars are allowed on roads.

The restrictions follow bans earlier this month on the number of government and corporate vehicles, a popular measure among Beijingers. But the restrictions on private cars are 'unfair,' say many drivers in polls and online. An unscientific online survey on the Web site of the People's Daily, the state-run newspaper, 68% out of 400,000 voters said that 'it's pointless to ban private cars.'

Web users packed online forums and listed reasons to 'say no' to restrictions on private cars, and major web portals are hosting forums for people upset with the new regulations.

Netizen 'endless99' made a comparison between the subway maps in Beijing and several other cities, including Hong Kong and London. The person concluded, 'The ban can only work out the traffic problems temporarily. Mature metropolitans such as Hong Kong and Tokyo all have well-served urban public transport system.'

One Web user wrote a blog post, titled 'We Are Extremely Upset About the New Restrictions,' that the restrictions discriminate against those in the suburbs.

'How about those out of the Fifth Ring circle? We all paid the same amount of tax. It's really unfair,' the user said, adding, 'who is going to pay for my taxi?' (The post in Chinese.)

Others are unhappy with the lack of proper administrative procedure in getting the restrictions out. In an online poll on Sohu.com, 93% out of 6,000 people participating said 'the restrictions on private cars should have been deliberated by the National People's Congress before it went out.'