

月黑.风高.杀人夜......哈哈,没有月亮,没有风,也没有古龙的心境.耸立于这天地苍茫一色的深谙里,彻悟孤身幽居后对人世至情的含义.这里,只有我独立,沉思,静默.你在何处?没有谁永远不幸的,劝慰你,在心中.望天地万事都不能使你惆怅,希世间皆情也不能使你忧伤.无人爱你,我爱.没人疼你,我疼.这个时代的珍惜其实也很简单.The month is black. The wind is high. Murder night...Ha, does not have the moon, does not have the wind, also does not have the GULONG's mind.In towers in this world boundless color depth knows by heart, after the deep understanding one person alone occupies quiet, to the world sincere feeling meaning.Here, only then I am independent, ponder, silent.Where are you ?Who doesn't have to be forever unfortunate, consoles you, in heart. Looks at world all things not to be able to cause you to be disconsolate.Hopes in society all sentiment not to be able to make you to be sad. Nobody loves you, I loves.This time treasures also is very actually simple.


<<血钻>> Blood Diamond<<战争之王>> Lord Of War<<恋恋笔记本>> The Notebook<<七宗罪>> Se7en<<沉默的羔羊>> The Silence of The Lambs<<意大利任务>> The Italian Job<<飞行者>> The Aviator<<追风战士>> Windtalkers<<香草的天空>> Vanilla Sky<<变人>>又名<<机器管家>> Bicentennial Man<<借刀杀人>> Collateral<<阿甘正传>> Forrest Gump<<雨人>> Rain Man<<变脸>> Face Off<<肖申克的救赎>> The Shawshank Redemption<<角斗士>> Gladiator Extended Edition<<辛德勒的名单>> Schindler's List<<惊情四百年>> Bram Stokers Dracula<<绿色奇迹>> The Green Mile<<云中漫步>> A Walk In The Clouds<<回到未来I II III>> Back To The Future I II III<<美丽心灵>> A Beautiful Mind<<大鱼>> Big Fish<<偷天游戏>> The Thomas Crown Affair<<太阳之泪>> Tears Of The Sun<<浪人>> Ronin<<爱国者>> The Patriot<<鸟人>> Birdy<<内部人士>> Inside Man<<我们曾是战士>> We Were Soldiers<<勇敢的心>> Brave heart当然,除了这些还有很多,因为太累了,凌晨4点哦,等头脑更清醒点再介绍多些给朋友们吧!希望你们喜欢!从小就喜欢看电影,电视,当过短时间的影评人(呵呵,当影评人的好处其实就是可以看到很多很多电影),应该还算比较专业一点的推荐吧,呵呵,大家开心就好啦!!!


写一句话容易,体味一句话难.做事做人都一样,刻骨了才能铭心.经历了无数的白天和黑夜,每一次黄昏夕阳似乎都带走了人世所有的美丽与善良,感觉自己此刻也潇洒别离红尘,尾随落日同时瞬灭于天地的黑暗中.  可毕竟我还站在这里遥望,毕竟还属于这个世界. 人常说"处"也是人生最难做的一件事.是的,当我客居异乡时就深深体味到这一点的含义.需要别人真诚扶助时,不仅有嗤之以鼻的讽刺,更有置若罔闻的鄙视,却自己不得不承受,忍住这一切的一切.每一次所谓朋友的拒绝,我便少了一份曾驻心田的希望,对别人的话语中也无缘地带有一丝冰冷的残酷.  渐渐地,拒绝别人的爱已是一种常事,重重叹息的同时也不断给自己找寻不会羁绊自己人生的希望.无奈!  此心本净,无可取舍! Writes a few words to be easy, to appreciate a few words to be difficult. The working personhoods are the same, deeply ingrained could be unforgettably engraved on one's mind. Has experienced the innumerable daytime and the dark night, each dusk setting sun has as if carried off world all beauties and the goodness, felt that oneself at this moment also natural leaves depart from the bustling place, tags along after the setting sun simultaneously to flicker extinguishes in world darkness. But I also stand after all in here looks out, also belongs to this world after all. The human often said that " place " is also a matter which the life is most difficult to do. Yes, when I live in a strange or foreign place the foreign land on appreciates this point deeply the meaning. Needs when others assist sincerely, not only has the snorting at contemptuously satire, has ignoring despising, can actually not but withstand, bears this all. Each so-called friend's rejection, I was short once to be stationed in the heart the hope, also did not have the good fortune to others' words in the region to have an ice-cold brutality. Rejects others' love already is one kind of routine matter gradually, layer on layer sighs at the same time unceasingly will also not pursue the fetters life hope for oneself.Sad! This heart this only, does not have may the choices!


The Fattiest Foods in America

By now, almost everybody knows that trans fats are the food additive that should rarely pass your lips. They add useless calories, build bad cholesterol (known as LDL), and lower your good cholesterol (known as HDL). The American Heart Association says you should only consume 2 grams or less of trans fats in our daily diets. (And we say less. Zero is a good number.)So why on earth is trans fat still in food if it’s so terrible? Because even though trans fats may shorten your life, they actually add to the shelf life of baked goods, and keep the deep-fat fryers stoked batch after batch. Choosing between your personal health and their own financial health, some chain restaurants and food manufacturers go the wrong way. Our mission: to raise the warning flag. Here’s a list of the worst trans fat transgressors. Put them on your do-not-eat list, and we’ll all feel a lot better.TRANS FATTIEST BREAKFAST PASTRYCinnabon Classic Roll5 g trans fat813 calories32 g fatEat these too often and you might have to be rolled out of the store. Not only do they serve a whopping 813 calories, but they’ll also set you back with a few days' worth of trans fats. Eat This Instead:Cinnabon Minibon Delight 300 calories8 g fat (2 g trans fat)This is the healthiest option on their menu, and it still has one day’s worth of trans fats. Offset your indulgence and help protect your ticker with these 10 foods that are great for your heart.10 foods that are great for your heart. --> TRANS FATTIEST BISCUITBob Evans Country Biscuit Breakfast 6 g trans fat659 calories45 grams fatBeware of biscuits. Like deep-fried menu items, they should set off a trans fat alarm in your head. The lowliest lard keeps biscuits soft and tender. Of course, the fact that Bob’s trans fatty biscuit is drowned in gravy and cheese doesn’t help, either.Eat this Instead:Bowl of oatmeal and French Toast a la carte (1 slice)303 calories5 g fat (0 g trans fat)The oatmeal will fill you up, so you won’t overindulge after the slice of toast. For 15 other tips for losing weight fast without sacrificing your favorite foods (or ever dieting again), learn these secret restaurant swaps! TRANS FATTIEST FRENCH FRIESJack in the Box's large Natural Cut Fries 10 g trans fat300 calories33 g fat Although most fast food restaurants have transitioned to trans-fat-free fryers, Jack in the Box hasn’t. Their large servings of natural cut fries and curly fries both pack more than 5 days' worth of dangerous fats. In fact, most of the items on their menu are riddled with more than a day’s serving of trans fats. Eat this instead:Jack in the Box Egg Roll (1)130 calories6 g fat (1 g trans fat)The fruit cup and one egg roll are the only sides that do not have 2 or more grams of trans fats. If the fruit cup isn’t for you, limit yourself to one egg roll.TRANS FATTIEST CHICKEN TENDERSDairy Queen Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket (4 pieces)11 g trans fat870 calories96 g fatThe Queen serves up another example of deep-fried danger. The nearly 100 grams of fat alone should deter you from ordering this basket of trouble. But the 4 strips also deliver more than 3 days' worth of trans fats. DQ stands for disqualified.Eat this instead:Grilled Chicken Sandwich400 calories16 g fat (0 g trans fat) TRANS FATTIEST RESTAURANT ENTREEBob Evans Slow Roasted Chicken Pot Pie13 g trans fat908 calories60 g fatTrans fats happily make their home in crusts — like the one that surrounds this pot pie. Bob Evans is one of the worst trans fat offenders: many of their dishes contain two or three days' worth of trans fat. Down this pot pie and you’ll have consumed nearly a week’s trans fat quota. Eat this instead:Bob-B-Q Chicken 545 calories14 g fat (0 g trans fat) TRANS FATTIEST MILKSHAKEDairy Queen Large Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard6 g trans fat1,320 calories52 grams fatTreating yourself to ice cream now and then isn’t a problem. But if your frozen treat includes three days worth of trans fat, it’s time pick a new ice-cream parlor. (And make sure you avoid other drinkable disasters that might be on this indispensable 20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America list!)Eat this instead:Small Artic Rush Slush240 Calories0 g fat (0 g trans fat)
Or try these 8 frozen desserts that won't wreck your waistline.
TRANS FATTIEST PANCAKESBob Evans Stacked & Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes9 g trans fat1,543 calories77 g fat Don’t be fooled by the bananas and pecans, which can be healthy on their own. But this dish delivers 3 days worth of trans fat, not to mention over half the recommended daily calorie intake.Eat this instead:Stuffed French Toast, No Topping599 calories20 g fat (0 g trans fats)We don’t love the calorie count on this one, so you’re best off splitting this dish or taking half home. But it’s the only Bob Evans pancake or French toast meal that doesn’t slip you trans fats. To discover other things restaurants might be surprising you with, make sure to check out these 16 secrets the restaurant industry doesn’t want you to know! It’ll help you save your waistline when you’re eating out.
And to avoid 22 other popular trans fat transgressors at your favorite fast-food and chain restaurants, check out this must-have list of big-name offenders. Don't leave home without it!
Know other tips, tricks, and tactics? Please share them with the rest of us here.- - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Gillian Anderson has her own Odd Couple

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "X-Files" star Gillian Anderson has evidently drawn inspiration from "The Odd Couple" when it comes to naming her sons.
The 40-year-old actress has given birth to a boy named Felix, People magazine reported on Monday, almost two years after she delivered her first son, Oscar.
"The Odd Couple," a Broadway play written by Neil Simon in 1965, revolved around a neurotic newswriter named Felix and a slovenly sportswriter named Oscar who are forced to live together. A 1968 feature film starred Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in the respective roles.
Anderson gave birth to Felix in London on October 15, People said. The father of both boys is her boyfriend, businessman Mark Griffiths. She also has a 13-year-old daughter, Piper, with the first of her two husbands.
Anderson was in movie theaters this year with two commercial disappointments, "X-Files: I Want to Believe," the second film based on the hit sci-fi TV series, and "How to Lose Friends & Alienate People."


核心提示:美国一家珍稀动物研究所内,一只一岁大的Balavan老虎在水中与人共舞。 2008年9月24日,在美国南卡罗莱纳州桃金娘海滩的大型濒危和珍稀动物研究所,一只一岁大的Balavan老虎在水中与人共舞

Gwyneth Paltrow: I'm helping Madonna over split

LONDON - Gwyneth Paltrow is helping her friend Madonna through breakup of her marriage.
The actress told reporters that she's supporting the pop star following Wednesday's announcement that she's separated from filmmaker-husband Guy Ritchie.
"She's a very good friend. I'm supporting her in all the ways that I can. I'm just there for her. I speak to her a lot," Paltrow said as she attended the premiere of her film "Two Lovers" at London's Film Festival.
Like Madonna, Paltrow — who's married to Coldplay singer Chris Martin — lives partly in London.
Madonna and Ritchie, who were married at a Scottish castle in December 2000, have two children: Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 3, who was adopted in Malawi in 2006. Madonna also has a 12-year-old daughter, Lourdes, from a previous relationship.
Madonna's publicist said Sunday that details of a divorce settlement are yet to be finalized, dismissing reports that the couple had agreed to a custody arrangement for the couple's children.
The couple own homes in London, Los Angeles and New York, and a 1,200-acre retreat in Wiltshire, England.